C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. JOB ELEMENTS MENU These options allow you to define, modify, or view the envelope, label, font, printer, and data file (mailing list) definitions used in setting up jobs. Valid Function Keys Are: SELECT - Choose an option. ESCAPE - Return to the Main Menu. Pg 1 of 1 FONTS This option allows you to define fonts to be used with Mail Machine. You can define Internal Fonts (fonts built into the printer), Cartridge Fonts (fonts that you plug into the printer), and Soft Fonts (fonts that are "downloaded" from a disk file to the printer). A few Internal and Cartridge Fonts have already been defined. Available Function Keys Are: SELECT - Select desired menu option. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 2 To define Internal or Cartridge Fonts, you must know all characteristics of the fonts - orientation, symbol set, pitch, point, stance, stroke weight, and typeface. Such information can usually be found in manuals or documentation that accompany the printer (for Internal Fonts) or the cartridges. To define (install) Soft Fonts, you must know the subdirectories that contain soft font files. Example: C:\WP51\FONTS You can print using any defined or installed font (Internal, Cartridge or Soft) with any job. Pg 2 of 2 ENVELOPES This option allows you to add, modify, delete or view Envelope definitions. A few standard envelopes are already defined. You cannot delete Envelope definitions being used by a job. The valid function keys are: INSERT - Add a new Envelope definition. MODIFY - Modify an Envelope definition. DELETE - Delete an Envelope definition. SELECT - View an Envelope definition. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1u LABELS This option allows you to add, modify, delete or view Label definitions. A few standard Labels are already defined. You cannot delete Label definitions being used by a job. Valid function keys are: INSERT - Add a new Label definition. MODIFY - Modify an Label definition. DELETE - Delete an Label definition. SELECT - View an Label definition. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 You must supply the following when defining a new label: o a unique name for identifying the label, o the Height and Width of the label sheet, o the Orientation of the label sheet, o the rectangular Height and Width of an individual label, o the Top and Left Margins of the label sheet, o the distance from the bottom of one label to the top of the next, o the distance from the right side of one label to the left side of the next, and o the number of Rows and Columns of labels. All dimensions are in inches, measured to the nearest 1/1000th inch. The Label Name must be unique. When setting up a new label job, you will select a label by its unique name. Pg 2 of 3 Note 1: You cannot delete label definitions being used by a label job. Note 2: the pre-defined label definitions cannot be modified or deleted. Pg 3 of 3 PRINTERS This option allows you to configure Mail Machine to work with your printer(s). Valid Function Keys Are: MODIFY - Modify a Printer configuration. SELECT - View a Printer configuration. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 LABEL JOBS This is where you configure, modify, delete, view, and print your Label Jobs. Valid Function Keys Are: INSERT - Add (configure) a new Label Job. MODIFY - Modify a Label Job. DELETE - Delete a Label Job. SELECT - View a Label Job. ESCAPE - Return to the Main Menu. Pg 1 of 1 GRAPHICS This option allows you to install the Graphics to be printed by your jobs. You can modify and delete Graphics definitions. You cannot delete Graphics definitions being used by a job. Valid Function Keys Are: INSERT - Add a new Graphic definition. MODIFY - Modify a Graphic definition. DELETE - Delete a Graphic definition. SELECT - View a Graphic definition. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 DATA FILES You can "manually" enter addresses as you print jobs, or you can have the program retrieve the addresses from Data Files. Data Files are usually created by database applications, word processors, or text editors. This option allows you to install Data Files that contain the addresses to be retrieved and printed by your jobs. You can modify and delete Data File definitions. You cannot delete Data File definitions being used by a job. Valid Function Keys Are: INSERT - Add a Data File definition. MODIFY - Modify a Data File definition. DELETE - Delete a Data File definition. SELECT - View a Data File definition. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 ENVELOPE JOBS This is where you configure, modify, delete, view, and print your Envelope Jobs. Valid Function Keys Are: INSERT - Add (configure) a new Envelope Job. MODIFY - Modify an Envelope Job. DELETE - Delete an Envelope Job. SELECT - View an Envelope Job. ESCAPE - Return to the Main Menu. Pg 1 of 1 Soft Font Directories This option allows you to specify the subdirectories where your soft font files are located. This process is also referred to as "font installation." Valid Function Keys Are: INSERT - Add a new soft font path and install all soft fonts therein. MODIFY - Update font information for a soft font path. DELETE - "Uninstall" all of the soft fonts found in a soft font path. SELECT - View all of a path's soft fonts and their characteristics. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 2 Note 1: MODIFYing will install any new fonts into the software which have been added to the soft font path since last installing any fonts. Any soft font files which have been deleted from the path since being installed will be "uninstalled," or forgotten. No files are deleted. MODIFY is only useful if soft font files have been added to or deleted from a soft font path 1) since installing (INSERTing) the fonts for the first time, or 2) since last updating (MODIFYing) the font information for the path. Note 2: DELETEing will uninstall the soft fonts previously installed from the soft font directory. No files are deleted. By MODIFYing or DELETEing, if any of the fonts to be uninstalled are part of a job, the fonts of those jobs will be set to the Default Font. If a Default Font is uninstalled, the default internal font becomes the new Default Font. Pg 2 of 2 FONTS This screen shows a list of the fonts associated with the selected Font Cartridge or Soft Font Path. Valid Function Keys Are: INSERT - Add a new Font definition. SELECT - Modify a Font definition. DELETE - Delete a Font definition. (options above are not valid with Soft Fonts) MODIFY - Designate font as Default Font. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 SOFT FONT SUBDIRECTORY Enter the full path of a subdirectory containing soft font files. All soft fonts in the subdirectory will then be automatically installed in Mail Machine. Valid Function Keys Are: SELECT - Accept the entered path. INSERT - Show the subdirectories of the current path. ESCAPE - Return to previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 UPDATE PATH'S SOFT FONTS Select YES if there have been any soft font files either added or deleted from the selected subdirectory since last installing fonts from this subdirectory. Otherwise, select NO. If you have not made any changes to the fonts in the subdirectory and you still select YES, never fear - no damage will occur. Pg 1 of 1 Enter Cartridge Name Enter the name by which you will identify the cartridge. Valid Function Keys: SELECT - Accept the entered Cartridge Name. ESCAPE - Abandon editing the Cartridge Name and return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 Font Cartridges This option allows you to add, delete or view Font Cartridge definitions. Some popular cartridges and their fonts are already defined. After adding a new cartridge definition, select that cartridge and define the fonts it contains. You can modify and delete Font Cartridge definitions. You cannot delete the pre-defined Font Cartridge definitions or those being used by jobs. Valid Function Keys Are: INSERT - Add a new Font Cartridge definition. DELETE - Delete a Font Cartridge and all associated font definitions. SELECT - Add, modify, delete and view the font definitions of the cartridge. ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 Data File Definition Form Help In order to define a Data File, you must supply: o a unique name for identifying the Data File, Example: XYZ Clients o the file format, Example: Comma-delimited ASCII o the full path (file) name of the data file, Example: C:\DB3\CLNTXYZ.DAT o and, the number of lines or fields per address. See the User's Guide for information regarding the file formats supported by Mail Machine. Pg 1 of 1 MAIN MENU This is the Main Menu. Select one of the three menu options by positioning the highlight over the desired option and pressing the Enter key. Or, press the Escape key to exit the program. The following options are available: o Envelope Jobs - select this option to add, modify, delete, view or print envelope jobs. o Label Jobs - select this option to add, modify, delete, view or print label jobs. o Job Elements - select this option define, modify, delete or view information about envelope, label, font, printer, and data file (mailing list) definitions used in setting up jobs. Pg 1 of 1 Mail Machine (TM) Envelope Form Help You must supply the following when defining a new envelope: o a unique name for identifying the Envelope, o the Height, and o the Width. The Height and Width are in inches, measured to the nearest 1/1000th inch. The Envelope Name must be unique. When setting up a new envelope job, you will select an envelope by its unique name. Pg 1 of 1 Graphics Form Help You must supply the following when defining a graphic: o a unique name for identifying the graphic Example: My Company Logo o the full path (file) name of the graphic file Example: D:\GRAPHICS\MY_LOGO.PCX The type of a graphic is automatically determined. PCX (PC Paintbrush) and PCL (Hewlett-Packard Printer Command Language) graphics types are supported. Pg 1 of 1 Label Form Help You must supply the following when defining a new label: o a unique name for identifying the label, o the Height and Width of the label sheet, o the Orientation of the label sheet, o the rectangular Height and Width of an individual label, o the Top and Left Margins of the label sheet, o the distance from the bottom of one label to the top of the next, o the distance from the right side of one label to the left side of the next, and o the number of Rows and Columns of labels. All dimensions are in inches, measured to the nearest 1/1000th inch. When setting up a new label job, you will select a label by its unique name. Pg 1 of 1 Printer Form Help You must supply the following in order to configure Mail Machine to work with your printer: o the parallel port (LPT1-3) your printer is accessing (most printers use the LPT1 parallel port; if you are using a serial interface (COM1, etc), you must use the DOS MODE command for redirecting parallel printer output your computer's COM port), o the type of printer that you have (LaserJet 500+, Series III, etc), o whether alternate software will be downloading the soft fonts, and o the amount of printer memory installed in the printer (required only if alternate software is NOT downloading the soft fonts). All printers are initially setup to use a LaserJet Series II printer and 512K bytes of printer memory. Modify the information as necessary. Pg 1 of 1 Label Size Help Select the sheet size for the labels you are defining. If the size is Custom, you will need to enter the custom dimensions of the label sheet. Pg 1 of 1 Envelope Job Form Help Envelope Jobs include: o a unique name for identifying the job, o the envelope type (size) to be used, o the (optional) data file to be used, o the (optional) graphic(s) to be printed, o the (optional) message(s) to be printed, o the fonts used to print text, o the printer to be used, and o other optional information. Valid function keys are: SHIFT-F7 - Print the Envelope Job ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 Label Job Form Help Label Jobs include: o a unique name for identifying the job, o the label type (size) to be used, o the (optional) data file to be used, o the (optional) graphic(s) to be printed, o the (optional) message(s) to be printed, o the fonts used to print text, o the printer to be used, and o other optional information. Valid function keys are: SHIFT-F7 - Print the Label Job ESCAPE - Return to the previous screen. Pg 1 of 1 Default Font Help These are the characteristics of the currently selected Default Font. Unless other fonts are specified when configuring a new job, the new job will use the Default Font that matches the orientation of the envelope or label sheet for the job. Changing the Default Font does not affect jobs already configured. To change the Default Font, highlight the desired font in the list of fonts after selecting the cartridge or soft font path that contains the font. Then, press the MODIFY (F3) key and answer "Yes" to the prompt. Pg 1 of 1 Font Definition Form Help Enter the characteristics of the font you are defining. This information is usually provided in documentation that accompanies font products. Pg 1 of 1